Victoria Moore – Still Glowing

Victoria Moore – Still Glowing

One thought on “Victoria Moore – Still Glowing”

  1. As a fellow veteran (Afghanistan U.S Army) it saddens me how atomic veterans have been treated by our government and by the Veterans Administration. I knew two atomic veterans, my own great uncle was aboard the USS Epperson in Operation Castle which was the operation involving Castle Bravo the test that really contaminated the islands. Later in life when I moved to Virginia I made a friend who later revealed he was in the cleanup, though he did not talk much about it he was still proud to have participated in that mission. Both of these men were so proud to have been in the service and yet the government and Veterans Administration don’t recognize their mission and that pisses me off.

    It does not matter if they were a World War 2, Vietnam, Afghanistan or Atomic veteran, at the end of the day all my fellow veterans deserve recognition.

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